The time has come to start the registration process for Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC) dual-enrollment classes for the SUMMER and FALL of 2025! (Note: spring 2026 registration will take place during the fall 2025 semester.)
FTCC’s High School Connections program allows high school students the opportunity to get a head start on their degree or career. Through NC’s Career and College Promise Program, high school students can take tuition-free college courses to accelerate the completion of college certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees that lead to college/university transfer or provide entry-level job skills.
Please take the time to read everything provided here regarding eligibility and how to register for FTCC classes as FTCC's High School Connections (HSC) program has made a few changes to their registration process.
Important details regarding eligibility for taking FTCC dual-enrollment classes:
Current 9th Graders/Rising 10th Graders (and current 10th graders who want to take summer classes THIS summer) must meet the following criteria to be eligible to take FTCC classes:
College Transfer Pathways:
Have an UNweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher on their high school transcript, AND
Be identified AIG in math AND reading, AND
Demonstrate college readiness in English, reading, AND math on an approved assessment (PSAT, SAT, Pre-ACT, ACT, RISE), AND
Receive a recommendation verifying the student’s academic and social maturity from their School Counselor, the CFHS AIG Coordinator, and the CFHS FTCC Coordinator
CTE Pathways (limited options):
Have an UNweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher on their high school transcript, AND
Receive a recommendation verifying the student’s academic and social maturity from their School Counselor, the AIG Coordinator, and the FTCC Coordinator, AND
Demonstrate college readiness in English, reading, AND math on an approved assessment (PSAT, SAT, Pre-ACT, ACT, RISE),
– OR –
Pass Math 1 with a grade of C or better, AND
Score 3, 4, or 5 on EOC for Math 1, AND
Score 3, 4, or 5 on 8th Grade End of Grade ELA assessment
Rising/Current 11th and 12th Graders must meet the following criteria to be eligible to take FTCC classes:
College Transfer Pathways:
Have an UNweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher on their high school transcript
CTE Pathways:
Have an UNweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher on their high school transcript,
Demonstrate college readiness in English, reading, AND math on an approved assessment (PSAT, SAT, Pre-ACT, ACT, RISE),
GPA Waiver provided by the student’s High School Counselor (minimum UNweighted GPA can be 2.0)
Important details regarding the HSC Application:
Students must use a non-CCS email address to create an account.
Students will need their Social Security Number to complete the application.
Students need to select either Summer 2025 or Fall 2025 for “Application Term”.
Students will be asked to choose their “Pathway”, and they may not know how to answer this, which is okay. Students can select “Undecided” or make their best guess, as this will be confirmed when they meet with the FTCC Career Coach to register for their FTCC classes.
Students are welcome to visit the websites below to learn more about their Pathway options
College Transfer Pathways:
CTE Pathways:
The following steps outline the DIGITAL registration process for students who are -NEW- to FTCC’s High School Connections program:
***Paper applications/enrollment forms will NOT be accepted***
Step 1: Student completes and submit the online application:
REMINDER: completing an application does NOT sign a student up for classes. Please see the following steps for FTCC class registration information.
***Applications for CFHS students are due April 3. No exceptions.***
Step 2: Student and parents/guardians sign the supplemental forms that will be sent to the emails included on the student’s application.
Step 3: Student signs the 25-26 CFHS FTCC Contract and drop it off in Student Services (Contracts can be printed or picked up by the student from Student Services).
Important Note: the CFHS FTCC Coordinator will not sign an enrollment form without receiving a 25-26 Contract from the student. This means students will not be registered for FTCC classes without this contract.
Step 4: The FTCC Career Coach, Ms. Abella, will schedule a time to meet with students individually and discuss their class options at FTCC – students will complete their enrollment form (aka register for classes) during this meeting.
Keep in mind that Ms. Abella will be conducting individual advising for every student who is new to HSC, so please be patient as she works through these meetings.
If a student doesn’t hear from Ms. Abella by May 1, please send her an email at or contact Mrs. Preddie at
Step 5: Ms. Abella will email the completed enrollment form through DocuSign to the student, parent/guardian, and the CFHS FTCC Coordinator to sign to confirm class selections.
Step 6: Student needs to check their email regularly for emails regarding FTCC login information, class registration confirmation, and any scheduling conflicts/class availability issues that may arise.
Students who fail to check their email and respond in a timely fashion could be dropped or not fully enrolled in the classes they signed up for.
Note: Summer and Fall class enrollment may take up to a month to display in FTCC Self-Service.
The following steps outline the DIGITAL registration process for students who are -RETURNING- to FTCC’s High School Connections program:
Step 1: Download the fillable Course Change Form (CCF).
Step 2: Open the fillable CCF .pdf file and complete the top portion with your student information entirely (including "FTCC ID" and "Current Pathway") and the classes you want to ADD for the SUMMER and/or FALL semesters only.
Term: List Summer or Fall
Course: List course name (i.e. ENG 111)
Meeting Times/Days: List class format (i.e. online, in-person @ FTCC, in-person @ CFHS [ENG 111/COM 231 only offered in Fall at CF], and/or specific days/times if you know this information)
Step 3: Add any "Special Instructions/Notes" about the classes you're signing up for in the box on the bottom right of the form. If you have none, leave this blank.
Step 4: Save the CCF (or print to PDF) and label your new file in the following format: CFHS - Last Name, First Name CCF SU-FA 2025
Note: do NOT sign the PDF before saving it.
Step 5: Email your CCF to the following people: Our FTCC Career Coach, Ms. Abella (, the CFHS FTCC Coordinator (, AND your current counselor (9th:; 10th:; 11th:; 12th:
Include a parent/guardian email in the body of your email. Their email will be needed for Step 7.
Don't forget to include a SUBJECT for your email. Emails without a SUBJECT may not be reviewed.
Step 6: Students taking FALL 2025 classes need to sign the 25-26 CFHS FTCC Contract and drop it off in Student Services (Contracts can be printed or picked up by the student from Student Services).
Important Note: the CFHS FTCC Coordinator will not sign an enrollment form without receiving a 25-26 Contract from the student. This means students will not be registered for FTCC classes without this contract.
This does not apply to current SENIORS taking summer classes only.
Step 7: Digitally sign the DocuSign version of your CCF that Ms. Abella will send to the student and parent/guardian via email.
Step 8: Check your email and FTCC Self-Service account regularly for class confirmation and any scheduling conflicts/class availability issues that may arise.
Failure to check your email and respond in a timely fashion could result in you being dropped or not fully enrolled in the classes you signed up for.
Note: Summer and Fall class enrollment may take up to a month to display in FTCC Self-Service.
CCFs to add FTCC classes for SUMMER and FALL 2025 are due May 1, 2025. No exceptions.
Supplemental Information for -RETURNING- FTCC Students:
If you need to know what your FTCC ID or current Pathway is and/or you would like to schedule an appointment with Ms. Abella or your counselor to discuss class options, please fill out this Google Form: (Please allow up to 2 school days after you complete the form for Mrs. Preddie to send you your FTCC ID and/or Pathway before you email me asking for this information).
Note: Counselors will start FTCC student meetings in April. A follow-up email about scheduling an appointment with your counselor or Ms. Abella will be sent to you whenever we can start having these meetings.
If you know your pathway but aren't sure what classes you can sign up for, please click HERE to review the different pathway enrollment forms that show you your class options.
Remember, you can only select classes on your specific pathway until you have completed your pathway.
You can also only take classes on your pathway as outlined on your pathway. For example, if it says "Choose one to complete pathway", then you can only select 1 class from that box, etc.
If you would like to read the class descriptions for the classes listed on the enrollment forms, you can find those on the following website:
If you have completed your pathway or are almost finished with your pathway, please email Ms. Abella ( for next steps and additional class options available to you.
If you would like to change your pathway, please click HERE.
Note: you must be logged into your FTCC email account to access/complete this form.
If you would like to add a CTE pathway to your College Transfer Pathway or already established CTE pathway, please email Ms. Abella ( for assistance.
If you take AP classes, I recommend looking at the "CFHS AP Equivalencies at FTCC" document to see what classes you may NOT want to sign up for if you received a 3 or higher on an AP exam.
If you plan on taking FTCC classes in the fall, be sure to send your AP scores to FTCC this summer to assist you with completing your pathway so that you can take additional classes not listed on your pathway.
We appreciate your patience and attention to detail as we assist students in getting registered for FTCC classes.
For any questions or concerns regarding FTCC’s High School Connections program, please reach out to one of the following:
FTCC Career Coach: Ms. Zasha Abella Hernandez (
CFHS FTCC Coordinator: Mrs. Sasha Preddie (